I'm Samuel Shuster,
Welcome To My Website

If you have feedback please leave a suggestion.



A fully web based, multiplayer game platform
with badly implemented games such as:

  • Tick Tac Toe
  • Connect 4
  • Fortnite 2 (not really)
  • Chess
  • Checkers


A tool to visually show how much time is left until periods
of time are up - with support for:

  • School Periods
  • School Days & Week
  • New! School Semesters, Quarters, Breaks and Weekends




A quizlet clone for studying and quizzing yourself
you can even publish your list for you, your classmates, or anyone else to use!


A tool to instantly generate a vocabulary list from a list of words,
with definitions and synonyms from Miriam Webster's dictionary and thesaurus
